LOG ("Maybe some segment files are missing. Perhaps you specified E01 instead of E?? or the segments continue beyond extension .EZZ.");
pAewf->ChunkBuffSize = pAewf->ChunkSize + 4096; // reserve some extra space (for CRC and as compressed data might be slightly larger than uncompressed data with some imagers)
FILE *pFile; // NULL if file is not opened (never read or kicked out form cache)
time_t LastUsed;
} t_Segment, *t_pSegment;
typedef struct
uint64_t Nr; // The table's position in the pAewf->pTableArr, for debug output only
uint64_t ChunkFrom; // Number of the chunk referred to by the first entry of this table (very first chunk has number 0)
uint64_t ChunkTo; // Number of the chunk referred to by the last entry of this table
t_pSegment pSegment; // The file segment where the table is located
uint64_t Offset; // The offset of the table inside the segment file (start of t_AewfSectionTable, not of the preceding t_AewfSection)
unsigned long Size; // The length of the table (same as allocated length for pEwfTable)
uint32_t ChunkCount; // The number of chunk; this is the same as pTableData->Chunkcount, however, pTableData might not be available (NULL)
uint32_t SectionSectorsSize; // Silly EWF format has no clean way of knowing size of the last (possibly compressed) chunk of a table
time_t LastUsed; // Last usage of this table, for cache management
t_pAewfSectionTable pEwfTable; // Contains the original EWF table section or NULL, if never read or kicked out from cache
} t_Table, *t_pTable;
typedef struct _t_Aewf
- t_pSegment pSegmentArr; // Array of all segment files (in correct order)
- t_pTable pTableArr; // Array of all chunk offset tables found in the segment files (in correct order)
- uint64_t Segments;
- uint64_t Tables;
- uint64_t Chunks; // Total number of chunks in all tables
- uint64_t TableCache; // Current amount RAM used by tables, in bytes
- uint64_t OpenSegments; // Current number of open segment files
- uint64_t SectorSize;
- uint64_t Sectors;
- uint64_t ChunkSize;
- uint64_t ImageSize; // Equals to Sectors * SectorSize
- char *pChunkBuffCompressed;
- char *pChunkBuffUncompressed;
- uint64_t ChunkBuffUncompressedDataLen; // This normally always is equal to the chunk size (32K), except maybe for the last chunk, if the image's total size is not a multiple of the chunk size
- uint32_t ChunkBuffSize;
- uint64_t ChunkInBuff; // Chunk currently residing in pChunkBuffUncompressed (AEWF_NONE if none)
- char *pErrorText; // Used for assembling error text during option parsing
- time_t LastStatsUpdate;
- char *pInfo;
+ t_pSegment pSegmentArr; // Array of all segment files (in correct order)
+ t_pTable pTableArr; // Array of all chunk offset tables found in the segment files (in correct order)
+ uint64_t Segments;
+ uint64_t Tables;
+ uint64_t Chunks; // Total number of chunks in all tables
+ uint64_t TableCache; // Current amount RAM used by tables, in bytes
+ uint64_t OpenSegments; // Current number of open segment files
+ uint64_t SectorSize;
+ uint64_t Sectors;
+ uint64_t ChunkSize;
+ uint64_t ImageSize; // Equals to Sectors * SectorSize
+ char *pChunkBuffCompressed;
+ char *pChunkBuffUncompressed;
+ uint64_t ChunkBuffUncompressedDataLen; // This normally always is equal to the chunk size (32K), except maybe for the last chunk, if the image's total size is not a multiple of the chunk size
+ uint32_t ChunkBuffSize;
+ uint64_t ChunkInBuff; // Chunk currently residing in pChunkBuffUncompressed (AEWF_NONE if none)
+ char *pErrorText; // Used for assembling error text during option parsing
+ time_t LastStatsUpdate;
+ char *pInfo;
// Statistics
uint64_t SegmentCacheHits;
uint64_t SegmentCacheMisses;
uint64_t TableCacheHits;
uint64_t TableCacheMisses;
uint64_t ChunkCacheHits;
uint64_t ChunkCacheMisses;
uint64_t ReadOperations; // How many times did xmount call the function AewfRead
uint64_t DataReadFromImage; // The data (in bytes) read from the image
uint64_t DataReadFromImageRaw; // The same data (in bytes), after uncompression (if any)
uint64_t DataRequestedByCaller; // How much data was given back to the caller
uint64_t TablesReadFromImage; // The overhead of the table read operations (in bytes)
uint64_t ChunksRead;
uint64_t BytesRead;
uint64_t Errors;
int LastError;
// Options
uint64_t MaxTableCache; // Max. amount of bytes in pTableArr[x].pTableData, in bytes
uint64_t MaxOpenSegments; // Max. number of open files in pSegmentArr
char *pStatsFilename; // Statistics file
uint64_t StatsRefresh; // The time in seconds between update of the stats file
char *pLogFilename;
uint8_t LogStdout;
} t_Aewf;
// ----------------
// Error codes
// ----------------
// AEWF Error codes are automatically mapped to errno codes by means of the groups
// below. AEWF uses these errno codes:
// ENOMEM memory allocation errors
// EINVAL wrong parameter(s) passed to an AEWF function
// EIO all others: AEWF function errors, EWF image errors